Tuesday 13 August 2013

Importance of ICT in education

ICT is not only the future of our children's education it is the present; and we need to make the investment in ICT now!' Walter Lockhart 
'ICT in education is the key to unlocking the skills and knowledge of our future generations of young people.' Kate McKenzie
'ICT in Education is important! ICT has quickly become one of the basic building blocks of modern society. ICT supports learners but more importantly, it extends the reach of the population in ways we have yet to imagine'
Allison Allen 'Just 2 easy believe that ICT in Education is important because we witness the benefits daily. When you hear a parent say that their child is keen to write or a teacher tell you that a class is engaged and focused you know that what you do is making a difference.'
'ICT is one of the key skills needed to enrich learning of all kinds. It's all about communication, and in the world in which our children are growing up, it is vital whatever they do, they will have to be ICT-literate. ICT connects all areas of the curriculum. The internet can be a powerful resource.' Clare Copeland